manufacturing simulation modeling
General Simulation

Hospital Management

Healthcare Simulation

Because of the high levels of variability that are present within a hospital, it is important to make every effort to provide patients with a positive experience, reduce wait times, increase efficiency and effectively utilize resources and staff. Simcad Pro is a sophisticated simulation engine that can be utilized to improve the overall efficiency of a hospital. Simcad Pro has been shown to improve staff allocation and layout of the hospital to increase efficiency of care without having to sacrifice the quality of administered care.

Using Simcad Pro's patented dynamic simulation engine, many different personnel have the ability to perform analysis, detect delays and bottlenecks, provide feedback and suggestions through annotations on the model, and provide viable solutions with ease. Because of the ease of use of Simcad Pro, the simulation technology is brought to everyone involved and facilitates the main concepts of lean thinking in the hospital. Through the different features of the dynamic simulation engine, Simcad Pro users can perform "what-if" scenarios, virtually modify the operation (change the number of available rooms, vary the staffing levels, modify patient needs, change the layout of the hospital, etc...) and visualize the effects of such changes on the overall efficiency and performance of the hospital. "On-the-fly" changes to the simulation reduce the time needed to do analysis of the model and cut down on the time needed to find the optimal solution, therefore saving the hospital money.

Due to high variability of patient needs, arrival times and other factors, Simcad Pro has the capability to utilize live data (EMR systems, RFID, etc...) and historical data to supplement the mathematical distributions learned from the operation. Users can retrieve live or historical data from the simulation and perform necessary analysis in order to optimize the hospitals functionality. Importing CAD layouts of entire hospitals allows the users to see actual travel distances for staff and patients. Changes can be made to the layout within the simulation to see how different placements of rooms, travel distances, etc... can improve the overall productivity of the hospital.

With the simulation model build and connected, parameters such as timing, resources, capacity, etc... can be imported from an external data source or input manually. Once the model is running, users can see where backups may be occurring and can diagnose and correct specific problems. Changes can be made in the number of rooms, registration stations, nurses, doctors, etc... and the changes will generate automatically. The "Simulation Analysis Report" provides a quick analysis of the model to identify poorly performing areas where changes should be made or further scrutiny is required.


Advantages and Capabilities of Simcad Pro Simulator:

  • Proactive scheduling to improve the overall efficiency of the hospital
    • Analyze shift of resources
    • Use historical information to determine peak utilization times
    • Decide number of staff (doctors, nurses, transports, etc...) manually or through optimization
  • Ability to change layouts and staff to find optimal levels
  • Complete efficiency analysis and transitional plans for maximum ROI for new patient rooms or entirely new hospitals
  • No coding required to create or change models
  • Ability to make changes to the model "On-the-fly" and see the results immediately
  • Out of the box functionality and ability to connect, import and export with external data sources
  • 3D environments improve presentational quality
  • Access to all the lean metrics needed, including your Value Stream Map, Value Network Map, Spaghetti diagram, routing analysis, OEE values and process efficiencies. In addition, Simcad Pro computes all travel distances for resources, patients, doctors, nurses and all moving entities within the mode
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